Friday, April 23, 2010

Knee Replacement Johnson & Johnson

The great crisis of 2050.

Mi permetto di copiare un articolo pubblicato in uno dei vari blog che seguo, INFORMARE PER RESISTERE, lo si trova anche su Facebook se qualcuno fosse interessato. L' articolo è stato copiato interamente senza nessuna modifica.

Un articolo che riepiloga chiaro e tondo come stanno le cose, ovvero che il problema non è la crisi economica o quella energetica, ma la prossima carenza di cibo . L'ho trovato sull'australiano Science Alert , non certo un sito di catastrofisti estremi.

Qui ne abbiamo parlato several times, but it does not hurt to read a summary so well stated:

- The demand for food will double over the next forty years.

- It 's a problem that can not be answered as in the '60s, or with the technology we need to address structural nodes.

- water crisis. Only the inhabitants of the city, in 2050, will use a quantity of water equal to what we use today throughout the world agriculture.

- Loss of land. It seems that the planet is losing farmland extension at a rate of 1% per year, due to the degradation, desertification, pollution, dell'espansione delle città. Ne abbiamo già persa il 24% rispetto a vent'anni fa.

- Le città avranno 20, 30 o 40 milioni di abitanti e nessuna capacità di produzione di cibo. Saranno pesantemente a rischio per ogni problema nella distribuzione.

-Abbiamo passato il picco di produzione per molti fertilizzanti indispensabili all'agricoltura intensiva, come il fosforo. Inoltre, continuando ad immetterli nel terreno, stiamo finendo con l'inquinare fiumi, mari e l'intera biosfera.

- Lo spreco è immenso . Si è calcolato che tra il 30 e il 50% di tutta la produzione agricola finisce gettata via, ovvero 2600 su 4600 calorie prodotte.

- The peak oil will hit obviously the mechanization of agriculture, biofuels, and of course, in this context, are not just an option.

- huge problems for the fishing: it is thought that by 2040 there will be virtually nothing left to fish .

- proteins missing from the fish can not be replaced by meat, because the farm would take one billion tonnes more wheat and a thousand cubic kilometers of fresh water. The equivalent of three other North America.

- The world spending on research in agriculture amounted to 40 billion dollars. That for weapons in 1500 billion. The latter denotes

blindness? Not really. It is also assumed that the food crisis that we expect will be due to uprisings and civil wars . Becomes very first to use weapons, then, that to get mixed up in a serious scientific research in global change of diet in reducing waste, recycling waste and so on. And the guns are always also the most proven way to reduce the population.

Two birds with one stone, in short, on the other hand we have to get used to do much with little ...

Source: http://crisis.blogosfere.i t/2010/04/la-grande-fame-d el-2050.html

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plastic Drain Valve Dripping

Gramsci and Education Seminar at the Department of Physics

Il Collettivo Redshift presenta:

"Gramsci e l'istruzione"
Seminario a cura di:
Dott. Gianni Fresu, ricercatore di Storia Contemporanea all'Università di Cagliari ed esperto della figura dell'intellettuale sardo
Dott.ssa Stefania Calledda,appassionata lettrice e studiosa del pensiero gramsciano, laureanda specialistica di Scienze Politiche

Mai come in questo periodo il pensiero di Antonio Gramsci rivela la sua incredibile attualità. I suoi scritti, nei quali studiò e analizzò la guida culturale e politica della società, sono considerati among those most intellectually original philosophical tradition.

"Teach , because we need all our intelligence.
Shake, because we need all our enthusiasm.
Get organized, because we need all our strength.
" (Gramsci)

Come in great numbers. To confirm
FB click here .

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How Long After Taking Xanax Is It Safe To Drink

my humble idea

reading the post of Nicholas I came to write this, which was initially intended to be a simple comment but then it seemed more a new post, but is still somehow connected.
agree on everything. I do not pretend sure you find the solution to the problems of a country that has never even heard that in 150 years of history, but usually the problems are resolved in a way. It is considered the root of the problem and act on it. So if the root of all there is ignorance as well have said, we must move from there. If people were informed and educated to the idea that information is important not to be taken for a ride, I believe that many things could be avoided. I have no illusions that one day we will all smart people, honest, caring and everything should be in people who live in a community, I have no illusions that anyone is now completely change the old mindset, I just say that with a little 'good psychology could educate people in different ways for different reach a common goal. So if you have to inculcate in the minds the idea that information is a sacred right, as if it is not informed? I often think about these things, I think much of the idea of \u200b\u200bGramsci's cultural hegemony. And I am increasingly convinced he was right, and we have proof. Why someone has put in place. Unfortunately, the wrong person. What is the mind that one who lives in our country? is a collection of so many people but one mind, which is that of their leaders. Gramsci would say, as far as I understand it, is that the dominant ideology of the ruling class. Well, why are people so too stupid to vote against their own interests? Because the worker who votes the entrepreneur is really a big dick. Is not a contradiction? It is in rational terms, but there is no rationality in the actions of the mass. If they teach you to see the world in a way you do. Although that way of seeing things is counterproductive to you, and what is not directly visible. Then walk to the acceptance of your own condition, because it teaches you that you are right, weak, living in that state, and that it is right that the fort has its privileges. Become a manual, automatic thought (which has little rational). The strong always plays on the emotional and instinctive mass. I are not an expert, but this is what I understand from my dissertation to maturity. That's why there's the scum that you see around, because it taught him to be such. Of course, the instinctive side can never be deleted, but what if you tried to develop more rational side of people? What if the dominant ideology was that of rationality, truth, culture?
As you said anything goes for the boob tube today, because it is the best way to send a message to all at once. I do not know if Berlusconi has understood this personally, but who he thought was a genius, because as you can see most of the cose che la gente pensa l'ha sentita sulle sue televisioni e sulle non sue/sue televisioni. E allora come arrivare alla gente? Oggi abbiamo Internet porca la miseria, è già qualcosa a nostro vantaggio no? Ok però non può essere l'unico mezzo, soprattutto perchè in Internet l'informazione più che altro te la devi cercare. Servirebbe un modo per fare informazione che raggiunga molte persone e che non possa essere controllato. Forse sembrerà sciocco e ingenuo parlare di volantini e manifesti, ma non vedo alternative migliori. Le manifestazioni sono secondo me fatte spesso nei luoghi sbagliati e nei modi sbagliati, inoltre non tutti vengono a saperlo e se non crei un disagio diretto la gente se ne frega pure di quelle. Sono convinta che le Things will one day because history has always worked like this: quiet time, someone took advantage of a crisis, you get to the bottom, for there survival instinct rebels, revolution and then clear skies, and then start all over again. Thanks, but if you do not come about would be much better, no?
I'm just saying we should put on his head a bit 'every day to people that something is wrong and that could instead go in a different way. Be truthful information, and offer alternative solutions. Doing it with a simple and clear language that even the least educated can understand. Do it from the bottom. Obviously, these are the ideas of a nineteen perhaps naive, but I find them logical. Complicated to implement, but logical. Especially complicated because you have to grow up to participate. And you have to grow up here, there, there and everywhere.
Today I heard of the idea of \u200b\u200bCota not to distribute the pill RU486 in the region. And I had the wish to drop a line and print them and hang on a wall the words, to distribute these words coming out of a church. Why do I need to talk to everyone. But .. I feel a little 'alone sincerely.