Friday, May 21, 2010

Custom Painted Computer Cases

's vocation is writing a blog. Stories history would be a user-friendly space on meetings and seminars are organized, but also a page to read, committed yet informal. It may happen that the blank page is unsettling: you have to ignore the feeling of emptiness and put something down on paper.

We are fortunate to publish a incipit, very personal for this page. Staff but at the same time. Read and believe.

  • pseudo REFLECTIONS A SERIAL SGE . Les Annales (Paul Perantoni)

October 2009. With the most complete and innocent happiness, holding the card that identified me as a neo-matriculated SGE, started my new college experience. Of course, there was still three years to put a thesis paper - "Paul, we want to do with this argument?" - "Do not worry Professor: I have everything in mind, I solo scrivere!”. Nonostante questo, la voglia di frequentare lezioni finalmente diverse da quelle della triennale era tale da farmi trascinare nel vortice SGE. (Forse un tunnel, più che un vortice).

Frequentando le scarne lezioni del primo semestre una cosa mi era chiara: nonostante avessi fatto un curriculum storico mi pareva di non aver mai letto nulla di significativo in materia. Veramente troppi i libri fondamentali per una consapevolezza storica di base , troppo poco il tempo per leggerli solo per cultura personale! Come se già fossero pochi i testi in programma per affrontare un esame: ma sì, già che ci siamo mettiamocene qualche more so, "so much for culture."

Steps' s Apology History Bloch, a small book, small, inexpensive, nice writing, one can not help reading it and, given its size, it is widely acceptable. What then, I do not know about you, but Bloch has fascinated me. Let's be clear: I do not like men (and, it was, Bloch was not Johnny Depp), but his life was truly an adventure. I can imagine me with his bike, turn the country roads of Strasbourg and at some point - tac - stops. For the first time seeing those fields in a different way - in a certain diachronic - and realizes that follow the medieval structure. I just see him with those whiskers, is busy writing books for many brilliant insights, and with rifle in hand, ready to defend their country invaded. And then its fine, worthy of an epic hero greek: How can you not be impressed? Very well - then at least read kings and miracle workers Feudal Society. Useful for a scholar of modern history? Not really, but it's worth, are well written.

then abandon the beautiful image of Bloch and Let's go deeper into the Annales school. Incidentally, if there is a word that the first-year students can not hear anymore, it's "Annales". Whatever lesson you follow, any professor is talking about whatever topic is being dealt with at that moment, one thing is certain: everything leads to the Annals! And so, as refrain from reading Civilizations and empires of the Mediterranean in the Age of Philip II, Braudel ? Opera gigantic scary just to browse the index. What's more, you stop even thinking that this thesis is derived from Braudel: the series "how to make you feel a protozoan, you, young hopefuls, with your miserable essay that will never change anything in the landscape studies.

The same is true for all books by Le Goff, author of more monumental, much more verbose of his classmates. What to read? Mah in doubt, leggiamoli all (just a life?) And remember that "the document is a monument" - yes, whatever. Scroll down the list and further add to the pile of books that accumulates too mercilessly Civilization and History of trivial things Braudel and Roche, respectively, to understand that we can study objects too humble, because after all history is made fragments. These are actually read them to me, more for the sake of argument that for fun.

Already, the idea sooner or later must also write that - "Remember that missing little Paul! "- as if I did not know already. But are we really sure you want to talk about ceramics in the modern age? Would not it be interesting to stay in their small and friendly village in the province, perhaps by studying the historical development, demographic and urban development. "Nice idea, because you do not read Montillaou Le Roy Ladurie?" - (Slight moment of hesitation) "Well, but no." The Unbearable awareness of being a freshman is this: the enormity of regret of all knowledge, and apologize Duby Furet, and finally return to the microcosm of the thesis, which continues to claim.

Paul Perantoni

Monday, May 17, 2010

Proxy Usa Southpark The Movie

Thursday, June 10 at 11:00 am in the auditorium of the Via Laura 48 will be held the Exhibition of the collective, will take the principal Prof.Simonetta Ulivieri, Professor of film history Tognolotti Clare, the director and Tommaso Maccari Malquori all the guys from the Collective.

Cute Patterned Volleyball Spandex

Purple Poster Gallery

Monday, May 10, 2010

Black And Silver Western Shirt

The Republic of Christmas trees.

Our country is like a tree. Our country is like a Christmas tree. Our country is like a fake Christmas tree, covered with colored lights under which there is an inanimate pile of plastic to make the entire building, our whole country.

What a country living? Of all things, research, economics, social policy.
What lives in a tree? Water, light and air.
What is going through a plastic tree? He does not need anything, just not alive.

Our country, or plastic tree if you prefer, simply does not live.

We see social policies completely inappropriate. This is evident by the success of political parties like the Northern League, Forza Nuova and Pound House controlled by individuals who define ignorant would be an understatement, with an opening mental, equal to that of a constipated anus of a child. Why were not enough Cota and Zaia and their campaign against the RU486 pill, the repeated racist attacks towards immigrants and non-soap as anti-immigrant in Arezzo, slogans against the 'Unity' Italy and South, were not enough events in Remembrance Day of the Republic of Salò greetings with fascists and Celtic, the constant accusations from the Premier about politically active judges, the scandal of the giggles Bertolaso \u200b\u200band entire families who have humiliated and yet still has the same Bertolaso \u200b\u200bnot going to resign, this was not enough. L 'yet another kick to our country and our intelligence has come from Minister former minister, Scajola and his home overlooking the Colosseum with a network of contacts and favors that reaches the Vatican. All in a day climate of ignorance, as the boys are an example of Forza Nuova Mass this morning questioned a group of women shouting pro-abortion pill, "so that Stupratele abortions."

We see cuts in research inexplicable and totally inappropriate. Because the 133 was not enough last year that gave a clean break in the life of 'public university, not enough repression to the sound of batons against students who manifestafano his dissent, were not enough the continuing attacks by the government to all student associations, even this' year the government and the elusive DDL Gelmini, as in the song of Morandi-Ruggeri-Tozzi "You can give more," he gave his best with new cuts to fund normal operation, a new policy to privatize the 'public university become weary and tired, the 'umpteenth revision on the assumptions, the figure of the researcher who is now increasingly penalized for several years, going to forget that it is thanks to researchers if this rag of a public university still stand.

this is seen by 'economy and how it is managed. In a Europe that is falling apart, with the euro, which drops below $ 1.30 and a crisis of the global system, with riots, clashes and events in every little corner of Athens, with Spain and Portugal ready to confront this reality, a plan to safeguard € 720 billion that has only given a breath of fresh air to the international stock exchanges collapsed by now, our country it seems immune. Because despite all feel this crisis, our government still has doubts about its very existence! Why is not it true that unemployment is rising as Confindustria says that the complaint only 200 thousand new unemployed in the south, it is true that fixed-term contracts destroy any future expectation, it is true that the GDP in the last 3 years decreased by 6, 5% as the Bank of Italy says it is not true that 2010 was a year defined nero per la cassa integrazione con un impennata di domande del 123,5% rispetto al 2009, non è vero niente! La speranza è la cura contro la crisi, mica le riforme!

Ecco perchè il nostro Paese è un albero di Natale finto. Perchè non ha bisogno di acqua per vivere, cioè non ha bisogno di ricerca e innovazione per tirare avanti e crescere forte, la base di ogni Paese industrializzato. E' composto da finti aghi verdi e rigogliosi, cioè dai nostri politici di bella presenza, delle volte nemmeno quella, e di poca sostanza, capaci di smentire un intero dibattito in tempi record, di negare l'evidenza dei fatti e "capaci di mandare tutto a puttane pur di salvarsi la dignità mondana" (Rino Gaetano - Titititi), consists of a trunk was old and dark but that does not give in, that all individuals-chair that they have no intention of leaving his place to a newly-arrived condemning them to a 'fugitive from justice administration increasingly towards the real problems and the same over the years.
Our country is a fake, falling prices and that is crumbling more each day, strong and handsome only from 'outside, but inside plastic and irrevocably dead. Ours is a country that can only be saved with a total review the political, social and economic life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Charity Hodges Forums.

University's Assembly against the death of the public university

university reforms of recent years destroy the public university and in particular small universities as
to Cagliari.

• Cuts to Fund Operation • Full
hiring freeze
• Destruction of the post of Assistant
• Criteria for allocating funds penalizing
• Setting corporate management

The University of Cagliari for the Academic Year entrant will be forced to close almost all the master and some of three years.
Cagliari is just one example of what happens in a few years on a national scale.

Researchers have already begun their protest.
We students do not want to suffer passively. They are killing the

nostro futuro!
E' ora di reagire!

Partecipate numerosi.
Per confermare la partecipazione su facebook, cliccate qui .

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bachelorette Party With Stripper Invitaitons

Some interesting initiatives, including proposals for the School of Graduate Studies in Humanities:

May 12, 2010, University of Verona
Department of Art, Archaeology, History and Society
A few words

contemporanea della Sapienza-Università di Roma. Specialista della storia politica, intellettuale e socioculturale della Francia fra Antico Regime e Restaurazione si è occupata segnatamente di censura teatrale e della produzione stampata, di scrittura, pubblicazione e pratiche di lettura come anche della storiografia ottocentesca sulla Rivoluzione francese. Principali pubblicazioni: Politica del teatro e teatro della politica: censura, partiti e opinione pubblica a Parigi ne

l primo Ottocento
, Milano, Unicopli, 2008; Marché du livre, censure et littérature clandestine dans la France de l'époque napoléonienne: les années 1810-1814 , in «Annales historiques de la Révolution française », 1-2006;
" The monarchy impossible ": a report on the opposition press in France of Charles X , in" Size and problems of historical research, "1-2006; not only Madame de Stael : femmes auteurs, censorship and book market in France Bonaparte, in "Historical Studies", n. 4 / 2008.

May 26, 2010, University of Verona Department of Art, Archaeology, History and Society
A few words Take shape in the Italy of the Counter-reading and transposition of the Monte Aigne key skeptical, especially of the Essais and
's Apology, the Book of Essays
philosophically more exposed, and that n on a case is published in Italy, Venice, in part, as a 'corps detach' (1634). My paper focuses on the seventeenth, circulation and the influence exerted by the French thinker circuits libertines of Padua and Venice. During Setttecento at a critical interpretation and skeptics en philosophe
thought montaigne
replaces a closer particularly 'political' of its profile - already in mind, however, in Sarpi -, resulting in a refund c he thinks resulted from the subversive Servitude volontaire of La Boétie. The topic discussed here of resistance to tyranny, plutarchea ancestry, as was shown by Nicola Panichi, connects Montaigne - conceiving the project, inexpletum , to give to the press Servitude volontaire - to Alfieri. In Del Prince and letters , Alfieri sees in ' isosthenia skeptical - equidistant from the opposing views, because it does not conform to decide wisely - a tactic in order to loosen the mesh dell'asservimento al potere, postulando una radice in fondo politica di un’attutudine teoretica. Secondo il dettato del Principe e delle lettere , Montaigne, per non soggiacere alla coercizione di Chiesa e Stato, si sarebbe fatto schermo proprio del pirronismo: «Montaigne, [...] dalle due tirannidi e principesca e pretesca si sottrasse anche dietro alla scorza del pirronismo, e di un certo molle faceto, che tutti i suoi scritti veramente filosofici avviluppa, senza punto contaminarli». Alfieri torna a uno stadio archeologico dell’esercizio di scepsi, richiamandosi alla filosofia antica, e tralasciando la mediazione scolastica della dottrina della doppia verità (al principio della doppia verità pare del resto richiamarsi Montaigne in their professions of submission to the Magisterium of the Church in theology). The reference to the mental and rhetorical device, based on the decoupling of formal submission to the authority of the Church and simultaneous adherence to the truth "appropriate", marks the history of the fortune of Montaigne in the seventeenth century libertine, characterized precisely by the gap between professed allegiance to a heteronomous authority and libertas philosophandi .