Friday, November 28, 2008
How Do I Randomize My Charger On Poptropica
Unical was held yesterday in class A cube assembly 40c of the faculty of engineering. The assembly as it has always been very participatory saw the importance of agenda items.
The agenda was: *
Ricalendarizzazione academic year
Activities * '* Report of the collective
meetings in Rome November 14 to 16
* About 180 new decree
* Proposed Reorganization & Intelligent
studio common times
* Initiatives to be undertaken to combat
For reasons of time, it was possible to treat only the first 3 points. From the discussions started after the introduction of point by the collective outputs are some suggestions and notes.
Regarding the point on ricalendarizzazione have been put forward some proposals including one in which the call for the recovery of prior periods for students not coming to graduation to be fixed after the Christmas holiday. The proposal was then forwarded to the Bureau which will decide whether or not considered valid.
On the second point concerning the activities of collective engineering, after the illustration work done, a guy did a very nice speech emphasizing that there is a collective and students but a collective made by students, then invite all the students to join the daily meetings of the collective.
During the discussion of the third point, on reports of Rome, was born a sottodiscussione, started from an observation of a student on the preparatory aspects and on the block at 3rd this year if there are not passed all the exams of 1st year.
This discussion was attended by the teachers present that, once again, you hit the wall between teachers and students. The discussion, however, stolen a lot of time to the normal conduct of forcing the team to suspend and then resume it in the classroom occupied cube P2 40c in the coming days.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Create Your Own Wwe Action Figure Online
Ciao a tutti,
Sostiene Perona:
giovedì sera, alle ore 20.00 nell'atrio di Palazzo Nuovo
il professor Perona terrà una lezione sul tema "L'università sotto il fascismo" nel corso della quale presenterà documenti inediti sul tema.
Siete tutti caldamente invitati (obbligati) a partecipare alla serata, e ad invitare amici anche di altre facoltà.
E' il primo spazio che il Collettivo riesce ad ottenere, quindi partecipate numerosi
(e non fateci fare figure di shit!). SUPPORT
The day job entrusted to the collective of Languages \u200b\u200b(scheduled for Thursday) has been moved to FRIDAY '(yuppi!). November 28 and then will deal with the next, indefinitely.
So you're all invited to participate throughout the day (Friday to Saturday until 10 to 10) the activity of the New Palace banquet, lunch and dinner from the information society. It will be an opportunity to know each other, exchange opinions and suggestions for future activities of the Collective.
We need you!
ps: The Collective will meet every Friday at 15.00 in the lobby of PN.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Goldfish With Brown Spots
The next lesson in the fundamentals of computer Flavio will be held tomorrow at 11:00 in the p2
Monday, November 24, 2008
Mouth Soft Palate Lump
The assembly of the option provided at 14.30 today has been postponed due to circumstances force majeure until a later date.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Iud Vs Pill Copper Iud Vs. Mirena Iud ?
Today, due to bad weather, we found the P2 class in conditions unfit for use. During the night, the skylights are flown from the roof and it started to rain in the classroom. In addition, the strong winds caused serious damage to the windows behind the blackboard and the ceiling. We temporarily moved to the classroom p4 (p2 squared) in agreement with the preside di facoltà che ha mobilitato immediatamente il personale tecnico dell'università per le dovute riparazioni. In questo momento l'aula è già ritornata agibile e dopo gli ultimi lavori di domani tornerà ad essere occupata dal collettivo di ingegneria.
Cyst On Ovary And Leg, Hip Pain
Lunedì 24 Nov ore 10:00 in P2 si terrà l'assemblea del collettivo ingegneria.
Ordine del giorno provvisorio:
1)discussione documento da presentare all'assemblea di facoltà
2)Diverse proposte dal gruppo stampa (giornale, tg, evoluzioni del blog) che richiedono discussione in assemblea
Friday, November 21, 2008
Can You Do A Quit Claim Washington State
Lunedì 24 Novembre alle 17.30 alla Filol8 si terrà un'assemblea per tutti gli studenti in cui si discuterà sui temi venuti fuori dagli workshop. La prima assemblea sarà sulla DIDATTICA .
Cerchiamo di leggere i documenti prodotti a Roma (si possono scaricare da uno dei post precedenti) e partecipare all'assemblea per dare il nostro contributo
al dibattito del movimento.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tsa Confiscated Toiletries
Nell'assemblea di today to discuss the following agenda:
- Communication from the referent group print
- Organization Faculty Assembly (Creating odg)
- Possible creation group study "workshop london" and individual study of the same
- Document political collective (revision of the previously approved)
- Any other
- The need to have a meeting / meeting with the students of Architecture and Building with perhaps the participation of teachers and managers the management of timetables
- points of the agenda faculty of 24 are: Debate on
- ricalendarizzazione due to the block teaching.
- Report and discussion on subjects covered in the national assembly in Rome.
- Discussion on the political role of the assembly within the monthly Faculty Council.
- of information stands will be organized in front of the classrooms P3, P4, P5, P6, 43B, 40B
- Creation of an informational banner: "The P2 is not all it touches" pointing out the use classroom as a socializione, exchange of ideas and culture (see lessons and self-sustained calcolo3 foundations of computer science and etc.) for all students. The classroom is not the committee, the students.
Vegetarian Hippies Beard Sandals
Tomorrow at 11:30 am Friday 21 P2 will be held in the meeting of the "new ideas"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How Much Ativan To Fail Drug Test
Today November 19 in the P2 has met with the Assembly of the collective following agenda items:
internal reorganization of the collective (group work, the key factor P2, cleaning the classroom, setting up fund cash internet factor);
Organization monthly meeting of the faculty.
Vote on how to access internet
Assembly has decided that:
The faculty meeting will be held November 24th at 15:00 in class A.
With regard to the mode of Internet access in P2 it was decided to make available to the network to all students free.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Become Wholesale Dealer In Il
19nov Tomorrow Wednesday at 18:30
filol8 will be held in the Committee meeting to discuss Unical, and running, reports emerged from the University meetings of Rome La Sapienza.
Come as much as possible since it is a very important meeting.
What Pets Are Illegal In Pa
19nov Tomorrow Wednesday at 14:00
P2 will be held in the meeting of the collective engineering.
The agenda will be known this afternoon.
The timetable can not be moved to guarantee all the presence and participation in the meeting filol8.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Is There A Market For Organic Soaps
The next meeting of the "new ideas" will be held on Wednesday 19 at 16:30 in P2. The agenda will be:
- Review of work on various groups' analysis of the various laws and reforms of schools and universities;
-Discussion on the various proposals and in particular those concerning the establishment of a sort of Tg periodic work summaries played by the Collective.
- Obtaining material from other universities.
There are further changes in the timetable!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Finding The Bfe For Zone A
The faculty meeting scheduled for November 8 has been postponed to 10 in the atrium of the new building, at 15. We will talk about the real impact of Law 133 will have on our faculty, attended by the headmaster and other teachers, in particular to try to understand, in addition to the consequences of the decree, the reasons for a policy that takes ten years to research and to ' innovation without investing in any other way on the future of the country.
addition: Tuesday November 7, at 9, will start building new students of the humanities to take part, together with all other students of turin, the counter-inaugural dell'anno accademico del politecnico, in Piazza del Fante. Per tutta la giornata si susseguiranno interventi e lectio magistralis (Odifreddi e Giulietto Chiesa solo per citare i nomi più conosciuti), con concerti finali.
Il programma della giornata lo trovate qui:
Monday, November 3, 2008
Bariatric Stomach Polyps
Sabato 8, ore 14.00: assemblea generale della facoltà di lingue - atrio di Palazzo Nuovo
Dal giorno lunedì 3 novembre fino al giorno sabato 8 novembre , il collettivo di lingue si riunirà tutti i giorni alle ore 14.00 nell’atrio di palazzo nuovo , in vista della mobilitazione expected during the suspension of the additional teaching (10-15 November). The group plans to organize a series of self-managed evening at the Palazzo Venturi November 10 to 13. All students and faculty with ideas / suggestions / complaints are encouraged to participate actively.
Saturday 8 / 11 - ASSEMBLY OF POWER '
Collective of language learners
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Clothing Retail Sales Cover Letter
- ASSEMBLY NO GELMINI of Sunday has been postponed to Monday at 17.00, the house Einaudi (60 or Regina Lugo Dora Siena 68/A)
- Il CONFRONTO CITTADINO resta, come previsto, domenica sera intorno alle 20.00.
- Da lunedì 3, all'occupazione di Palazzo Nuovo e di Agraria si aggiunge l'occupazione della PALAZZINA EINAUDI (scienze politiche e giurisprudenza) con una serie di iniziative aperte a tutti (trovate nel calendario).
- Inoltre, il collettivo di scienze proseguirà la mobilitazione non più a Fisica, ma a Biologia (via Accademia Albertina 13: VIA ACCADEMIA PORTE APERTE - vedi calendario).
- Dal 3 al 5 Novembre saranno in piazza i ricercatori con l'iniziativa "Ricerca in Strada"
____LUN 3____
h 15.00 Palazzo Nuovo, meeting of DAMS, any degree
17:00 h house Einaudi ( Queen 60), NO ASSEMBLY GELMINI
19:30 h Meeting of Sciences, Via Accademia (the collective mandate to
provide an excellent pasta at all!)
h 21:00 Busy house Einaudi
Prof. D'Orsi and Prof. Chiarlone "The law
133 and the University"
h 21.30 Via Accademia Open Doors: Prof. David
Lovisolo: "History of insecurity and its
advancement in the workplace and the effects of Law 133
on it." Prof. Luigia
Caputo "Proteine motore e motori browniani"
Sample Diet For A Person Without Gallbladder
Si è tenuta ieri venerdì 31 ottobre 2008 a Palazzo Nuovo l'assemblea della Facoltà di Lingue a cui hanno partecipato il preside della Facoltà Bertinetti, professori come Panero, Paltrinieri, Pulcini, Pratt (solo per citarne alcuni), oltre a numerosi studenti.
Ciò che è emerso è ancora una volta il totale rifiuto da parte di studenti e professori presenti dei provvedimenti presi da questo governo. Dopo diciamo una piccola presentazione delle nostre rappresentanti Anna ed Alisia, prima con Filippo, del collettivo di Lingue, poi con lo studente di giurisprudenza, Alberto Miglio, abbiamo ricordato i tre punti fondamentali della 133/2008 causing major disruption to the functioning of the university pubblioca Italian:
cutting fund ongoing financing from 2009 onwards and will be nearly a half billion euro in five years
block turnover every 10 teachers who will retire only 2
will replace 16 of 133: University of the possibility of turning into private foundations. The principal Paul
Bertinetti, after repeatedly reiterated its total opposition to this law and its solidarity with the collective language and all students, stressed the importance of study, commitment and passion that every student should have . He argued once again the importance of ricerca anche in una facoltà come quella di Lingue, dove la ricerca pura si svolge a un livello astratto, cioè senza ripercussioni economiche o pratiche. Il preside ha ricordato quanto sia importante difendere l'Università pubblica, come l'accesso al sapere debba essere libero, non devono essere soltanto i ricchi a potersi permettere l'università. Bretinetti ha giustamente posto l'accento su come il governo italiano sia riuscito a trovare denaro per salvare Alitalia ed Air One, un entusiasmo protezionista che non sembra voler allargare al settore pubblico più importante per il futuro del paese: l'università, ovvero l'istruzione e la ricerca. Anch'egli, uno dei cosidetti "baroni", si è detto preoccupato per quello che accadrebbe if the blocking of the turnover comes into force, given that today the ratio of teacher / student is among the highest in Europe.
then intervened Professor Pratt said that the great potential of the Faculty of Languages \u200b\u200bin Turin, but also of those problems at the level of resources the University has (see technological backwardness, overcrowded classrooms ...). Sostieneinoltre the need for a open debate and the need for some concrete proposals to improve the situation and then recalled the formula 3 +2 which is adopted in many European Union and beyond. Intervention
then prof. Grass, professor of philosophy, which opened its administrative attention with a wonderful metaphor. "There I thank you because you took on your shoulders, "referring to the joint struggle that teachers, researchers and students are fighting together. The professor talked a lot (and good) of the movement, citing Sartre and Morante. Erbetta claims that is emerging in each of us, especially us young people, a feeling deep, deep roots: fear. Fear of the future of the absence of insecurity, anxiety dictated by the certainty of having few opportunities outside of a university that instead - for now - makes it even.
Our task, groped to conquer this future is to become what we are critical to freedom and maturity, not giving in to blackmail of insecurity and apathy that the company wants to tie at all costs.
Erbetta noted further that in a company, when cuts are made, it means that soon the whole company shut down. And 'maybe what the government wants to do with the public school? He then closed with an old metaphor: "Climbing on the shoulders of giants to see further than we poor ".... we have a government of dwarves. Intervention
then the reader of Portuguese Filippa, Sergio (I think) that has exposed what she and her students have done in class, namely the reading and analysis of L.133, trying to highlight the positive aspects and those negative of that law. Few positive aspects (such as the ability to find the books on the internet) many negative aspects, practically everyone. The boys were then formulated with the reader their counter-proposals: cutting waste, stimulate research and to increase investment in it, to intensify contacts with the work environment for the inclusion of graduate students in the workplace, create forms of self-assessment within the university, scholarships based on merit, transparent and fairer competition ban, ensuring the right to study at all, creating a ceiling for the fees. He is remembered as perhaps the school does not represent only the tip of the iceberg, an administrative system should be reformed completely. Closed the administrative attention with the line: "Globalisation is not can be excluded. "Penultimate
Panero administrative attention to who has been focusing on two points raised during the meeting: the reason why students and teachers are to fight together and the meaning of excellence in ' Italian university.
Regarding the first point this is related to the history of the university itself. The universities were born as a group of students and teachers, are examples of the universities of Bologna and Paris. Also, do not forget that the law covers 133 all, professors, students, workers.
Regarding the second point, "excellence" is achieved, according to the prof.Panero from the construction of the university where students, researchers and teachers have participated in recent years, despite several long-standing problems of the university system. In the faculty of languages \u200b\u200bthere are 100 teachers structured, ie role, with a fixed place, in the privileged world of precarious employment, and 50 teachers in the contract, that precarious. The activities of the first and second groups, however, are essentially the same. Teachers precarious take only 5000 € gross per year (and no one wants to live with this money). So the Italian government instead of cutting funds for research and public university should indivduare waste, is expected to increase by 50% funding for research, according to Panero. Catches the eye of the importance of the block didattica aggiuntiva dal 10 al 15 novembre come segnale forte da lanciare al governo e volto a sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica. Altrimenti di questo passo si arriverà all'omicidio dell'università.
Poi Filippo del collettivo di lingue, concludendo l'assemblea, ha ricordato che noi siamo stati definiti la generazione dei "no future", dei senza futuro. Dobbiamo attivarci, lottare per il nostro futuro, lottare per ciò in cui crediamo e per un domani migliore. E non per qualche astratto ideale di equità, ma per noi stessi in prima persona. Siamo "l'onda anomala" un movimento nato contro la Gelmini e la 133 ma che non si fermerà continuerà a lottare per un futuro migliore. Si propone inoltre di creare durante il blocco della Teaching November 10 to 15 evenings a self-managed Palazzo Venturi Goressio or to show another face of the university. anyone with suggestions are welcome. Speaking
then a student who asked us not to fight our battle with the mere idealism, but groped to thoroughly analyze the law, perhaps asking the university to give us an estimate about the concrete changes within the university that would have with the cuts planned by the government. "
I do a quick summary: essentially, between teachers, researchers, students and the rector has proved to be all on the same side of the fence. In this way, the public university and the future only our generation, but the entire country. Beyond, the dwarfs that threaten cops and empty promises of order. We must move and fight for a future that now, as now, is simply a tabula rasa desertified by insecurity. It is a country built on the insecurity is a country destined to collapse. Precisely because the future of our students do not promise anything we can afford to expect everything from it. We have no illusions, we want everything.