Culture, yes, from cathode ray tube.
Everything is based on 'ignorance. Our entire government is based on ignorance. If only people would open their eyes and unblock the ears, oh my dear country how much trouble you would have less to worry about.
It does not take a particularly strong or clever enough to understand that our government relies on the 'general ignorance, this is seen by his promises, he was seen by his political agenda, and you can see above on how to address social problems.
The reality is that a guy like me, that is, without a strong or specific intelligence, a culture that does not go beyond the first year of university but with a minimum of critical thinking skills, he feels deeply every day taken for a ride. And I wonder, are we the problem? That is the boys who ask questions? No, the problem is not us. The problem is all these people who kneads his days with news so superficial as to be likened to a servizio di Emilio Fede, e sono le stesse che non vogliono sentir ragioni quando una buon' anima cerca di portare un minimo di informazione dentro le loro menti, pretendendo anche di esser seguite da chi, come me, non si accontenta di un " E' tutto vero! Non hai seguito il tg ?" oppure " Scusa, ma non hai letto Il Giornale stamattina?".
E mi chiedo, perchè tutto questo? Certo è più semplice scegliere un "si" ad un "no", comporta meno spiegazioni, meno sforzo. Ma è questa la strada giusta? Preferire l'ignoranza perchè la cultura comporta troppa fatica? Che tristezza ragazzi, che delusione.
E si finisce così col sentirsi un pesce fuor d'acqua, dentro un mare di gente che se ne frega di tutto ed è fiera di farlo, come se l'ignoranza avesse una propria bellezza. E ci vuole ben poco per rendersi conto quanto è diffusa questa linea di pensiero, il binario morto dell'ignoranza.
Basti vedere il servizio di Raiperunanotte alla manifestazione del Pdl. Tutti fieri ed impettiti, chi con il cappello raffigurante una bella croce celtica e chi al suo fianco con un cartello raffigurante lascritta "SANTORO FASCISTA" (Un bel paradosso non credete?!), chi salutando il corteo nel modo più democratico possibile cioè col saluto romano e chi semplicemente rispondeva alle domande con offese di bassa cultura. Bella gente quella del partito dell'amore.
Prendiamo in considerazione l'ultima proposta del nostro amato premier, 100 milioni of trees planted in Italy, in addition to the exorbitant cost of maintenance due to the early years, I wonder, but where they want to plant all these trees!?
Think of the construction sites of nuclear power plants, one in 'Oristano, that is going to cover much of' cultivable only area of \u200b\u200bour region, and remember to stay on the G8 and the Magdalene Achille Toro, nomen omen, and any inquiry derived from contracts.
And then what else is there to remember? Ah yes, the League continues to take hold across Italy, including Sardinia, unfortunately, its retrograde political agendas, racist and xenophobic. And we Sardinian host a political party like that, but we realize? The stessa gente che definisce "Pecorari", "Sardi di merda", "Terroni", i nostri conterranei che sono andati al nord Italia in cerca di un lavoro onesto e retribuito.
Basti pensare a Lombardi e Di Girolamo, a Dell' Utri e il suo eroe, Vittorio Mangano, pluriomicida e stalliere in casa Berlusconi. Politici legati alla mafia, politici mafiosi.
Al bavaglio mediatico imposto da Berlusconi e accettato da Masi, Minzolini e Innocenzi, al Lodo Alfano, al decreto Salvaliste,a tutte le leggi ad personam, e ai ripetuti attacchi su magistrati.
Alle belle parole del Premier, sempre piene di euforia con quel sorriso che denota falsità più che fiducia, riguardo la crisi mettendo in dubbio la mia esistenza in Sardegna, dato che viene descritta come una regione in piena rinascita.
E arriva la fine, dovuta allo spazio non di certo alla mancanza di argomenti, basti pensare a tutte le intercettazioni e al terrore che infondono nel Pdl, che cerca di camuffare il tutto parlando di rispetto della privacy.
Se solo si smettesse di prendere tutto per scontato perchè visto in un servizio al Tg, poichè è questo il vero problema dell' Italia, la poca voglia di informarsi e di rendersi conto di quello che realmente accade, evitando di dare un giudizio morale ai fatti che si svolgono nella nostra società facendo pagare così a tutta la popolazione, anche quella che non lo merita, una condanna, che è quella di dover subire questi abusi di potere ed esser visti come dei ribelli although they only want social justice and not to create a new '68, but I say, a revolution would be needed to clean up the country from all this scum.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Nursery Jungle Saying
Physics in Sardinia to death
Thanks to (v) reforms of this Government in Physics in danger of disappearing from Sardinia.
This is not a provocation.
To ensure the three-year degrees and specialized need 20 sponsors. At present there are 16. The lack
could be bypassed by researchers, but they have launched a protest by failing to ensure their teaching activities. Activities that have worked for free for years and it is not for them. The Redshift
Collective solidarity with the researchers and encourages them to continue their fight! The Italian university
destroyed and mocked by this Government can not and should not be raised again with the poor strength alone of researchers.
The University must be saved but all the students to rise, should be the entire faculty to rebel.
The University is not a "cost". The University is culture. It 's the future.
But words matter more of the facts. The Collective
Redshift therefore proposes the following actions:
1. Immediate and total block of each teaching activity: if it seems too much to expect next year to fight back ... when the teaching there will be so!
2. General assembly of students, ricercatori e docenti per il coordinamento delle attività per risolvere il problema: le soluzioni ci sono,ma non si trovano da sole.
3. Lettera aperta congiunta di studenti, ricercatori e docenti all'indirizzo del ministero sui principali organi di informazione.
Thanks to (v) reforms of this Government in Physics in danger of disappearing from Sardinia.
This is not a provocation.
To ensure the three-year degrees and specialized need 20 sponsors. At present there are 16. The lack
could be bypassed by researchers, but they have launched a protest by failing to ensure their teaching activities. Activities that have worked for free for years and it is not for them. The Redshift
Collective solidarity with the researchers and encourages them to continue their fight! The Italian university
destroyed and mocked by this Government can not and should not be raised again with the poor strength alone of researchers.
The University must be saved but all the students to rise, should be the entire faculty to rebel.
The University is not a "cost". The University is culture. It 's the future.
But words matter more of the facts. The Collective
Redshift therefore proposes the following actions:
1. Immediate and total block of each teaching activity: if it seems too much to expect next year to fight back ... when the teaching there will be so!
2. General assembly of students, ricercatori e docenti per il coordinamento delle attività per risolvere il problema: le soluzioni ci sono,ma non si trovano da sole.
3. Lettera aperta congiunta di studenti, ricercatori e docenti all'indirizzo del ministero sui principali organi di informazione.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Knee Replacement Johnson & Johnson Price
Bolzaneto, not to forget.
"Entro stasera vi scoperemo tutte.", "Sei un gay o un comunista?", "Troia, devi fare pompini a tutti.", "Ora vi portiamo nei furgoni e vi stupriamo tutte.", ad una ragazza le schiacciano la testa nel cesso, le dicono: "Che bel culo che hai, ti piace il manganello eh?", un ragazzo è costretto a spogliarsi nudo, a sollevare il pene mostrandolo agli agenti seduti alla scrivania, che lo ustionano con un accendino. Una ragazza è was forced to remove her piercing vaginal menstruation before four, five, under the general laughter and scorn. Who with a fractured foot could not hold the position of "dancer", on tiptoe, and it is crushed. Those who receive blows to the genitals with salami, forced back into the ground and with legs up and apart, bringing a testicular trauma. And then all at once forced to sing "Viva la prison." BOLZANETO.
A person's heart at the mere thought of these phrases is pervaded by chills. A person's heart, can not believe in words and actions like these. It 's impossible you say. It can not be so disgusting, we are human, people, where we find the strength to do certain things? Well, not all people are "heart", is well known. 9 years have passed by the Bolzaneto torture, and yet there are those, like me, you hear those phrases, relive those moments, indirectly, thank God - can not sleep a wink the night. BOLZANETO. But remember, never forget the shame of the past, to be stronger, to find every day that social justice, which unfortunately in today's world, it is almost gone.
was in July 2001, was Genoa, the G8 was. From the beginning we lived a climate of tension due to clashes with the black-block, the total destruction of the city by the latter, and the positions of law enforcement allowed on those marches and peace that had little to do with the work of anarchists. I do not think there is no need to use images to remember, I at least, I have everything printed in the head. But do not take much to refresh your memory, on the internet there are a lot of videos and photos that recall the violence. I particularly remember a girl, with her skull open from beatings, crushed nasal septum, which after being medicated by doctors who have improvised a mobile emergency room to avoid bringing children to the hospital and then take them to a conviction, he speaks. "We must decide whether to treat us, and then be stopped and then be brought in any prison, or if taking a blood clot to escape from all these violence. What do you choose? I, perhaps, prefer a blood clot. And you? ". BOLZANETO.
not all ends well, as you know, there are different and many of those arrested will be transported to the barracks BOLZANETO. The Lager. From 20 to 22 July 2001. In these days are being tortured just over 300 people - 252 arrests and 55 to be exact-still, boys, girls, people of a certain age, as well as a minor. Guys like us, guys like everyone else. Italians and foreigners. People come to Italy, in Genoa, with the aim of demonstrate against the G8, in a peaceful manner, in a civilized way, only to find themselves in a prison-camp, where the only difference is in labor. BOLZANETO.
E 'futile attempt to explain these behavior, it is useless to try to find a logical way to these events. The reality is that in Italy there is no law that condemns torture, I am 20 years that we try to do it, and are 20 years of failure. The reality is that these defirli ... How? Individuals? People? Forces of 'order? Pigs? Cops? Believed to have ... as they say, saved my ass from above. But slowly, sooner or later, piece by piece, the truth comes out and convictions, they arrive, late, but they arrive. On the evening of March 5, 2010. The Court of Appeal of Genoa court multiplies the convictions at first instance to all this ... How to call? Pigs? Offenders? Hideous? ... The defendants in the first sentence only 15 were able, I am now 44. The state will compensate all the anti-globalization tortured to pay a total of about 10 million €. Seven sentences, the other statute of limitations. The seven defendants convicted are: the assistant police chief was Luigi Massimo Pigozzi (3 years 2 months), prison officers and Marcello Mulas Sabia Michele Colucci (1 year) and the doctor Sonia Sciandra (2 years and 2 months). Penis confirmed at 1 year for inspectors of the State Police Matilde Arecco, Turkish and Mario Paolo Ubaldi. I still write this in a NAUSA that rises inside, I want to scream, to throw up my hatred. But the only thing we can do is trust in the work of justice. BOLZANETO, not to forget.
"Entro stasera vi scoperemo tutte.", "Sei un gay o un comunista?", "Troia, devi fare pompini a tutti.", "Ora vi portiamo nei furgoni e vi stupriamo tutte.", ad una ragazza le schiacciano la testa nel cesso, le dicono: "Che bel culo che hai, ti piace il manganello eh?", un ragazzo è costretto a spogliarsi nudo, a sollevare il pene mostrandolo agli agenti seduti alla scrivania, che lo ustionano con un accendino. Una ragazza è was forced to remove her piercing vaginal menstruation before four, five, under the general laughter and scorn. Who with a fractured foot could not hold the position of "dancer", on tiptoe, and it is crushed. Those who receive blows to the genitals with salami, forced back into the ground and with legs up and apart, bringing a testicular trauma. And then all at once forced to sing "Viva la prison." BOLZANETO.
A person's heart at the mere thought of these phrases is pervaded by chills. A person's heart, can not believe in words and actions like these. It 's impossible you say. It can not be so disgusting, we are human, people, where we find the strength to do certain things? Well, not all people are "heart", is well known. 9 years have passed by the Bolzaneto torture, and yet there are those, like me, you hear those phrases, relive those moments, indirectly, thank God - can not sleep a wink the night. BOLZANETO. But remember, never forget the shame of the past, to be stronger, to find every day that social justice, which unfortunately in today's world, it is almost gone.
was in July 2001, was Genoa, the G8 was. From the beginning we lived a climate of tension due to clashes with the black-block, the total destruction of the city by the latter, and the positions of law enforcement allowed on those marches and peace that had little to do with the work of anarchists. I do not think there is no need to use images to remember, I at least, I have everything printed in the head. But do not take much to refresh your memory, on the internet there are a lot of videos and photos that recall the violence. I particularly remember a girl, with her skull open from beatings, crushed nasal septum, which after being medicated by doctors who have improvised a mobile emergency room to avoid bringing children to the hospital and then take them to a conviction, he speaks. "We must decide whether to treat us, and then be stopped and then be brought in any prison, or if taking a blood clot to escape from all these violence. What do you choose? I, perhaps, prefer a blood clot. And you? ". BOLZANETO.
not all ends well, as you know, there are different and many of those arrested will be transported to the barracks BOLZANETO. The Lager. From 20 to 22 July 2001. In these days are being tortured just over 300 people - 252 arrests and 55 to be exact-still, boys, girls, people of a certain age, as well as a minor. Guys like us, guys like everyone else. Italians and foreigners. People come to Italy, in Genoa, with the aim of demonstrate against the G8, in a peaceful manner, in a civilized way, only to find themselves in a prison-camp, where the only difference is in labor. BOLZANETO.
E 'futile attempt to explain these behavior, it is useless to try to find a logical way to these events. The reality is that in Italy there is no law that condemns torture, I am 20 years that we try to do it, and are 20 years of failure. The reality is that these defirli ... How? Individuals? People? Forces of 'order? Pigs? Cops? Believed to have ... as they say, saved my ass from above. But slowly, sooner or later, piece by piece, the truth comes out and convictions, they arrive, late, but they arrive. On the evening of March 5, 2010. The Court of Appeal of Genoa court multiplies the convictions at first instance to all this ... How to call? Pigs? Offenders? Hideous? ... The defendants in the first sentence only 15 were able, I am now 44. The state will compensate all the anti-globalization tortured to pay a total of about 10 million €. Seven sentences, the other statute of limitations. The seven defendants convicted are: the assistant police chief was Luigi Massimo Pigozzi (3 years 2 months), prison officers and Marcello Mulas Sabia Michele Colucci (1 year) and the doctor Sonia Sciandra (2 years and 2 months). Penis confirmed at 1 year for inspectors of the State Police Matilde Arecco, Turkish and Mario Paolo Ubaldi. I still write this in a NAUSA that rises inside, I want to scream, to throw up my hatred. But the only thing we can do is trust in the work of justice. BOLZANETO, not to forget.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Charity Hodges Fotos Hot
lists saves against the decree by the Government, an active anti-democratic
Tomorrow, Sunday, March 7 at 10:30 am in Florence in Piazza della Repubblica defense against saving decree lists, we try to ensure the maximum presence, you need a strong democratic response to protest against this attack on democracy. In a country where rules and regulations apply only to the weak must riberllarsi
Tomorrow, Sunday, March 7 at 10:30 am in Florence in Piazza della Repubblica defense against saving decree lists, we try to ensure the maximum presence, you need a strong democratic response to protest against this attack on democracy. In a country where rules and regulations apply only to the weak must riberllarsi
Monday, March 1, 2010
Rabbit Running In Circles In Cage
CONFERENCE "The thought of Enrico Berlinguer"
"When I give food to the poor tell me I'm a saint. When I ask why the poor have nothing to eat I say I am a Communist."
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook .com / photo.php? pid = 4005246 & id = 555991646 & op = 1 & view = all & subj = 221651114281 & aid =- 1 & oid = 221651114281 & saved # / event.php? eid = 313766067607 & ref = mf
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook .com / photo.php? pid = 4005246 & id = 555991646 & op = 1 & view = all & subj = 221651114281 & aid =- 1 & oid = 221651114281 & saved # / event.php? eid = 313766067607 & ref = mf
Pink And Black Bathroom Accessories
24h Without Us - a day without immigrants
support them, because all are equal, and this is not just their protest, but also ours. Discrimination and racism not only offend them, but degrade us.
support them, because all are equal, and this is not just their protest, but also ours. Discrimination and racism not only offend them, but degrade us.
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