Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Brownie Uniforms Around The World
- 2 November 2010, at 18>-concert meeting with Deborah Kooperman
- November 23 2010, ore 18>-concert meeting with Angelo 'Leadbelly' Rossi
«All you can write is what you see.»
Il punto di partenza di Storie Acustiche potrebbe essere semplicemente questo, un frammento rubato da un dialogo con la musica durato per tutta una vita, quella di Woody Guthrie. La sua storia personale era iniziata nel 1912, in Oklahoma, segnata da fatalità, disgrazie familiari e da un inquieto bisogno di osservare il mondo per capirlo. Negli anni della great depression e del dust bowl , rimasto solo, aveva percorso con la sua chitarra la Route 66 accettando qualsiasi piccolo lavoro, componendo e suonando, fino al 1937, anno in cui aveva difficoltosamente raggiunto Los Angeles e trovato lavoro presso una radio locale. Da quel momento la sua storia è diventata la storia di molti (pensiamo in modo particolare a This Land is Your Land ), his voice has been able to tell the dust of the roads, fatigue and change in subsequent years, even reaching New York. In short, "I write what I see, what I saw, what I hope to see, somewhere in a faraway place."
Stories , then, as the song is always the story, is bound to screw events, speaks of continuity and disruption, and the clear intuition, realizing an individual dimension that is never closed in itself, but designed to be metabolized by other known and constantly.
Acoustic , in particular, an attitude narrative that unfolds in the best possible vibration of the strings and voice, in the alchemy of wood and water, preventing further mediation. Tales acoustic paths that cross two deep, that of folk and that of blues, and two lives that this has much to do.
If an artist writes what he sees, if it sounds that collected the stories, then write and includes the history and its transformations, in one way or another.
Koopermann Deborah was born in upstate New York, from a farming family with a passion for music. In the 60s he moved to Greenwich Village and began to sing, accompanying himself on guitar, even in places frequented by the then unknown Bob Dylan, Richie Evans, Jose Feliciano and John Sebastian. Arrives in Italy in '68 with a scholarship to the Conservatory of Bologna, a city in which Frank Sinatra knows with whom he founded, together with other musicians, Osteria delle Dame. In the 70s he wrote their own songs and joins the tour by Lucio Dalla. Fingerpicking guitar, his repertoire ranges from folk to blues, from ballads to the typical sounds of traditional black and white American. Currently, in addition to present itself as a singer and guitarist, he directs the Choir of Woodstock Villafranca di Verona, directed a school of modern music and runs a shop tools music. His latest album is Yesterday Tomorrow 2006.
Angelo 'Leadbelly' Rossi born in the province of Varese, Gallarate. After the first musical in the '70s and '80s began to approach seriously the deep roots of the blues to understand it, do it right, and interpret it for Christmas. The collaboration with bluesman Larry Johnson has been instrumental to the tremendous human and musical value. Marine Department, editor of The Blues , defines "Alchemist", "for this singer, guitarist and harmonica player has been able to create a personal style of music that ended up being a quality brand. If you have lived together in his soul the British and American blues-rock of the '60s and the hypnotic boogie of John Lee Hooker, were the sounds of the hills of North Mississippi (used with humility and love in the numerous pilgrimages made in those areas) to provide the lifeblood by which Angelo has taken steps to merge the different languages, giving rise to that his down home blues still unique in Italy. "His latest album I Do not Want to take nothing with me when I 'm gone was published in 2006.
Deborah Kooperman - Wind Of War
Angelo 'Leadbelly' Rossi - No Good Rider
Meetings-concert will take place at the ' University of Verona, in' Classroom 2.1 , in collaboration with the Department of Art, Archaeology, History and Society.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Lenntek’s Sonix Micro Headphones
Cineforum Physics
Wednesday 27
October 2010 for the documentary genre
social screening of the film:
Videocracy by Erik Gandini
17:30 - Room A
Department of Physics - University Campus (Montserrat)
Review on IMDb
event on facebook
Wednesday 27
October 2010 for the documentary genre
social screening of the film:
Videocracy by Erik Gandini
17:30 - Room A
Department of Physics - University Campus (Montserrat)
Review on IMDb
event on facebook
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What Does An Ohio Id Look Like
freedom and participation
Vignette Vauro and conclusion of the episode Annozero of October 14, 2010.
I do not think there's something to add.
I do not think there's something to add.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How To Put A Storage Lien On A Boat In Fl
national demonstration in Rome! University
In Italy has been ongoing for a year heavy and widespread attack on the rights of the weaker classes in a project of weakening and destruction of tissue social. It's time to say enough is enough! It is time to act in a compact, to give life to the routes of collective struggle. We believe it is necessary to reconstitute a bond and a bond between the student struggles, the struggles of all the reality of work, and not poor, and those who commonly consider it necessary to reconstruct the social opposition to the policies of this government and policies of blackmail industrialists. For these reasons, such as left-wing students and we will adhere to the streets October 16, the event launched by the FIOM - the CGIL. We believe it is important for all of us students take to the streets to demand our right to study, today openly attacked the government is using the funding cuts for school, university and research, both through the Bill Gelmini, which assigns the livelihood of the University to entities other than the state. We want to claim the right to quality education at all levels, with no restrictions on access. To know how to defend the common good, to claim a training really public, that focuses on students, rather than logical baronial and profit. By an ignorant, fascist government like the present, so hard to attack the institution of the university is the best way to suppress any groped for the development of a critical consciousness and all forms of dissent. We organize the Bus to Rome starting at 9:00 am Sashall 7 € a / r For reservations: Simone 3333748885 leftist students http://www.studentidisinistra.org
In Italy has been ongoing for a year heavy and widespread attack on the rights of the weaker classes in a project of weakening and destruction of tissue social. It's time to say enough is enough! It is time to act in a compact, to give life to the routes of collective struggle. We believe it is necessary to reconstitute a bond and a bond between the student struggles, the struggles of all the reality of work, and not poor, and those who commonly consider it necessary to reconstruct the social opposition to the policies of this government and policies of blackmail industrialists. For these reasons, such as left-wing students and we will adhere to the streets October 16, the event launched by the FIOM - the CGIL. We believe it is important for all of us students take to the streets to demand our right to study, today openly attacked the government is using the funding cuts for school, university and research, both through the Bill Gelmini, which assigns the livelihood of the University to entities other than the state. We want to claim the right to quality education at all levels, with no restrictions on access. To know how to defend the common good, to claim a training really public, that focuses on students, rather than logical baronial and profit. By an ignorant, fascist government like the present, so hard to attack the institution of the university is the best way to suppress any groped for the development of a critical consciousness and all forms of dissent. We organize the Bus to Rome starting at 9:00 am Sashall 7 € a / r For reservations: Simone 3333748885 leftist students http://www.studentidisinistra.org
Monday, October 11, 2010
I Have Ulcerative Colitis Can I Use Sweet N Low
Il Collettivo di Lingue dell'Università di Torino presenta: Sguardi Su Babele, un Cineforum in Lingua che si svolgerà all'interno dell'università a partire da ottobre 2010 e proseguirà con cadenza bisettimanale per tutto il primo semestre. Presenteremo film e documentari riguardanti realtà sociali provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo, ideati e creati da cineasti che appartengono a quella realtà.
Li proietteremo in lingua rigorosamente originale (sottotitolati in italiano) per immergerci nei suoni propri degli altri popoli. Attraverso questa diversità ci troveremo a confrontarci con gli interrogativi universali della riflessione umana.
Gli esperti, anche internazionali, che saranno presenti ci aiuteranno a capire la realtà “lontana” trattata di volta in volta rendendo possibile un nostro avvicinamento.
Pensiamo infatti che, se da una parte i mezzi di comunicazione rendono il mondo sempre più piccolo, permettendoci di posare lo sguardo su immagini che arrivano da ogni angolo del globo, dall’altra parte proprio queste immagini, se non sono guidate da una riflessione profonda, perdono their meaning. In this reflection is essential to the appreciation of diversity, as an added value of humanity.
Use the appreciation of diversity, to be able to overcome differences.
why we chose 10 geographical areas and languages, and each one addressing various topics film, which closely affect the contemporary society in the world, from the Israeli-Palestinian immigration from American Health to murder of Anna Politkovskaya. Private affairs and distant from us will take us to universal ideas.
The initiative, made possible by Edisu Piedmont, is open to all students who are benefiting from them to participate in its organization.
Cineforum Collective Language is Zero Impact ®. Emissions of CO2 have been offset by contributing to the creation and protection of forest growth.
For info refer to the Facebook page of the group of languages, that of Babel and Glimpses at: http://www.myspace.com/551814461
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Migrants: solidarity with the rebels of the CPA
The Collective Redshift expresses its full solidarity with migrants in the CPA Elmas (CA) who have rebelled their unjust detention!
The Hospitality Centre are in our view of prisons for innocent and who is detained has our full support when it considers necessary to try to escape or revolt for better conditions.
and our solidarity is even greater if we look at ourselves specchio, perché il Collettivo è composto principalmente da Fisici, soprattutto studenti, che nel futuro, con alta probabilità, saranno costretti a cercare lavoro all'estero perché la nostra nazione di nascita, l'Italia, è (molto) arretrata dal punto di vista culturale rispetto al resto d'Europa.
Quindi, pur senza voler paragonare la nostra situazione a quella dei migranti africani, ne paragoniamo virtualmente il percorso: da una nazione arretrata in cui non si può trovare un lavoro che serva a sopravvivere loro emigrano verso nuovi lidi che promettono (manifestamente) condizioni migliori.
E se noi non verremo incarcerati nell'entrare in un paese straniero per cercare lavoro, questo avviene solo per historical reasons. Because Italy has been for centuries quell'imperialismo that has made poor countries from which migrants come to us come from.
The Collective Redshift expresses its full solidarity with migrants in the CPA Elmas (CA) who have rebelled their unjust detention!
The Hospitality Centre are in our view of prisons for innocent and who is detained has our full support when it considers necessary to try to escape or revolt for better conditions.
and our solidarity is even greater if we look at ourselves specchio, perché il Collettivo è composto principalmente da Fisici, soprattutto studenti, che nel futuro, con alta probabilità, saranno costretti a cercare lavoro all'estero perché la nostra nazione di nascita, l'Italia, è (molto) arretrata dal punto di vista culturale rispetto al resto d'Europa.
Quindi, pur senza voler paragonare la nostra situazione a quella dei migranti africani, ne paragoniamo virtualmente il percorso: da una nazione arretrata in cui non si può trovare un lavoro che serva a sopravvivere loro emigrano verso nuovi lidi che promettono (manifestamente) condizioni migliori.
E se noi non verremo incarcerati nell'entrare in un paese straniero per cercare lavoro, questo avviene solo per historical reasons. Because Italy has been for centuries quell'imperialismo that has made poor countries from which migrants come to us come from.
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