national demonstration in Rome! University
In Italy has been ongoing for a year heavy and widespread attack on the rights of the weaker classes in a project of weakening and destruction of tissue social. It's time to say enough is enough! It is time to act in a compact, to give life to the routes of collective struggle. We believe it is necessary to reconstitute a bond and a bond between the student struggles, the struggles of all the reality of work, and not poor, and those who commonly consider it necessary to reconstruct the social opposition to the policies of this government and policies of blackmail industrialists. For these reasons, such as left-wing students and we will adhere to the streets October 16, the event launched by the FIOM - the CGIL. We believe it is important for all of us students take to the streets to demand our right to study, today openly attacked the government is using the funding cuts for school, university and research, both through the Bill Gelmini, which assigns the livelihood of the University to entities other than the state. We want to claim the right to quality education at all levels, with no restrictions on access. To know how to defend the common good, to claim a training really public, that focuses on students, rather than logical baronial and profit. By an ignorant, fascist government like the present, so hard to attack the institution of the university is the best way to suppress any groped for the development of a critical consciousness and all forms of dissent. We organize the Bus to Rome starting at 9:00 am Sashall 7 € a / r For reservations: Simone 3333748885 leftist students
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